关于USB HID Report Descriptors
最近有需要调试一款USB HID设备,拿到了该款HID设备的Report Descriptors,找了一些资料学习了下,下面转发讲解清晰易懂的一篇内容(http://eleccelerator.com/tutorial-about-usb-hid-report-descriptors/): Tutorial about USB HID Report Descriptors A USB HID report descriptor is one of the descriptors that a USB host can request from a USB device. HID devices send data to the host using reports, and the descriptor tells the host how to interpret the data. I will try to show you how to write one of these descriptors. First, go to this page http://www.usb.org/developers/hidpage/ and find the document titled “Device Class Definition for HID”. What I will be talking about is essentially paraphrasing the important sections of that document. Second, go get the HID descriptor tool from the same page. You’ll want to play with it as you go through this tutorial. It is an absolute headache to write the HID report descriptors manually (converting between binary and hex and looking up the meanings of the numbers) so...